The BIOcean5D Handbook of Protocols

A BIOcean5D project deliverable: the suite of technologies and protocols we use to measure and understand life in, above and beneath the waves, down to the seafloor.

The BIOcean5D policy strategy plan

New deliverable: our strategy to create and distribute three policy briefs that will result from BIOcean5D and other EU-funded research projects is out now

The BIOcean5D initial data management plan

Project deliverable: our initial data management plan, describing the types of data that will be available from BIOcean5D, as well as the data flow between the local hub and international archives

Building a community of seatizens

In December, we began a series of workshops to equip citizen scientists with the PlanktoScope – and with it, an efficient way to monitor the ocean’s microscopic inhabitants across exceptional ecological scales.

Deliberating over the value of plankton

BIOcean5D team member Gilles Jean-Louis reflects on a series of successful public deliberation workshops, exploring the monetary valuation of plankton and the marine ecosystem services it provides.