Image credit: Karim Iliya / Kogia

News and updates

Latest news and updates from BIOcean5D

Interweaving science and public engagement for a sustainable future

The TREC – Tara Europa expedition provided a unique opportunity to communicate and engage with a wide audience about the importance of our ocean. Public outreach activities carried out at key locations along the expedition route helped improve understanding, increase awareness and ignite interest across a number of topics, from marine plankton to plastic pollution.

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Engagement through art

The BIOcean5D artists-in-residence program harnesses the power of art as a form of communication to develop citizen engagement with the widest possible public. The legacy of artwork created will ensure a lasting impact beyond the project duration.

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Collaborative multidisciplinary training for marine sustainability

The sustainable management and long-term preservation of our marine ecosystems require multidisciplinary collaboration. The Synergy Summer School, held from 24 to 28 June 2024 in Ischia (Italy), ensures this integrative approach is incorporated within the advanced training of the next cohort of scientists.

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