Image credit: Karim Iliya / Kogia
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Building a community of seatizens
In December, we began a series of workshops to equip citizen scientists with the PlanktoScope – and with it, an efficient way to monitor the ocean’s microscopic inhabitants across exceptional ecological scales.

Save the date: 2024 science-to-policy summer school
Ever wanted to know more about how science can be used to drive policy change? Find out more about our joint summer school in June 2024, San Sebastian, Spain.

Deliberating over the value of plankton
BIOcean5D team member Gilles Jean-Louis reflects on a series of successful public deliberation workshops, exploring the monetary valuation of plankton and the marine ecosystem services it provides.

Science for a Green and Sustainable Society
Reflections from the EC-ESA Earth System Science Initiative workshop, held in Italy, November 2023

The noise of the ocean has changed: BIOcean5D coverage in Innovando News
The changing marine soundscape puts hundreds of species at risk: BIOcean5D’s Lucia Di Iorio featured in innovation magazine, Innovando

The value of ocean literacy
As a summer of activity comes to a close, Anne-Marie Alleaume reflects on the importance of sharing new research and knowledge with wider society.

A European research community focused on marine species distribution modelling
In September, members of BIOcean5D led a workshop focused on marine species distribution modelling. Attendees from 10 countries joined to discuss their research and opportunities for collaboration.

BIOcean5D featured in Basque Country local media
Analysing human impact on ecosystems provides valuable information to deal with climate change: Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpleleta speaks with Basque Country media outlet and GAUR8