Work package 7
Outreach, engagement and use of results
Image credit: Karim Iliya / Kogia
Data to knowledge
WP7 aims to spark interest and engagement in BIOcean5D activities, and promote the uptake and use of our findings.
We want our results to help inform policies for the protection of marine life. Across the project, we’re organising science-to-policy workshops between scientists, NGOs and local political decision makers, to begin addressing regional marine challenges.
We’re running several schemes to promote citizen ocean engagement and raise awareness of the importance of marine biodiversity. This includes hands-on, immersive workshops with coastal communities, developing teaching resources for schools and an artist-in-residence programme onboard the Tara schooner.
We’re also co-delivering training sessions and summer schools to promote taxonomy skills and systems thinking among scientists.

Overall, this WP seeks to:
the work of BIOcean5D to promote a holistic understanding of marine biodiversity
ocean citizen engagement and raise awareness of ocean health and sustainability, for inland and coastal communities
ocean science policy by bringing together scientists and policy makers, to explore new science-based concepts for the protection of marine biodiversity resources
the development of professional taxonomy skills and facilitate a shift towards systems thinking in the marine science community
“If we want to drive change, we have to close the gap between science and policy, and communicate revolutions in science to the people who are making decisions.”
André Abreu
Fondation Tara Ocean, France
“The future lies in the hands of young people.
To me, there’s nothing more important than supporting them to become happy future citizens, and helping them be STEM literate can make such a big difference.”
Agnes Szmolenszky
EMBL, Germany